Memahami Jenis Kata dalam Bahasa Inggris
Latihan 1
Tandai setiap kata dalam kalimat berikut ini sesuai dengan jenis katanya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:
Large companies may have a research and development department with its own budget and staff
Kalimat di atas diuraikan berdasarkan jenis katanya.
adjective noun modal verb verb article noun conjunction noun
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Large companies may have a research and development↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
department with its own budget and staff
1. Comparative politics involves study of the politics of different countries.
2. Agencies employ qualitative research to gain an initial understanding of the marketing situation.
3. Large companies may have a research and development department with its own budget and staff.
4. Earthquakes occur when energy stored within the Earth suddenly releases.
5. Indonesia is also prone to earthquakes, with epicenters distributed along the same regions as volcanoes.
6. The eruption of Tambora in 1815 was Indonesia’s most destructive, killing approximately 10,000 people.
7. His contribution to the history of thought was not a systematic doctrine but a method of thinking and a way of life.
Sebagaimana telah dijelaskan di atas, Anda tidak perlu membaca semua kata yang terdapat dalam sebuah kalimat. Membaca semua kata dalam suatu kalimat tidaklah efektif dan tidak perlu karena yang terpenting adalah bahwa kita bisa menemukan makna kalimat secara utuh. Secara teori, teknik membaca ini disebut Reading for Content. Berikut ini beberapa teknik membaca yang bisa Anda terapkan berkaitan dengan jenis kata:
1. Temukan kata-kata utamanya (main words) dalam suatu kalimat. Yang dimaksud dengan kata-kata utama adalah nomina, verba, adverbial dan adjektiva. Jangan terlalu pusing dengan bentuk, makna preposisi dan kata sandang. Pada contoh kalimat berikut ini, kata-kata yang digarisbawahi adalah kata-kata utama, sedangkan kata-kata lainnya tidak perlu Anda perhatikan
a. They conducted into the interior and sold their captives to European slavers.
b. Seismologists use global networks of seismographic stations to accurately map the focuses of earthquakes around the world.
c. In the century before Columbus sailed to America, Western Europeans were unlikely candidates for worldwide exploration.
2. Jangan terlalu memikirkan bentuk verba yang berubah-ubah dalam beberapa tenses. Yang terpenting adalah Anda harus mengetahui makna kata kerjanya. Anda tidak perlu khawatir, misalnya, apakah kata “conduct” termasuk bentuk infinitive, past tense ataukah past participle, conduct, conducted atau have/has conducted. Yang terpenting, Anda mengetahui bahwa kata “conduct” berarti “melakukan”.
3. Jangan khawatir dengan kata-kata sulit yang Anda temukan. Teruskan membaca, sampai Anda menemukan gagasan utama dalam kalimat.
Latihan 2
Garis bawahi kata-kata utama dalam kalimat di bawah ini, sesuai dengan contoh berikut ini:
The structure of a document refers to the organization of data in that document.
1. It is impossible to overestimate the potentialities of these agreements.
2. Suharto attended local Javanese schools, worked for a short time in a village bank, and joined the Dutch colonial army in 1940.
3. In May, police shot six students at a demonstration, triggering two days of arson and looting in Jakarta, in which about 500 people died.
4. Modern publishing and bookselling in Europe began in the mid – 15th century, when people began printing with movable type.
5. The earnings and consumption of the average Japanese came closer to Western European standards.
6. Special education services can help both disable gifted children make progress in education programs.
7. The standard test to detect HIV antibodies in the blood is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
8. The research result indicates that there are some causes of the strikes.
9. Inscriptions found in the temple grounds show that King Pikatan was the founder of the complex.
10. School is considered one of the most important factors in human resources development.