Seven Ways You Can Use the TOEFL ITP Assessment Series in Your Classroom
The TOEFL ITP® tests measure core English-language skills using 100 percent academic content similar to what is used in actual classroom tasks. Proposed uses of the TOEFL ITP tests are:
Placement in intensive English-language programs requiring academic English proficiency at a college or graduate level.
Progress monitoring in English-language programs stressing academic English proficiency.
Exiting English-language programs by demonstrating proficiency in English listening and reading.
Admissions to short-term, non-degree programs in English-speaking countries where the sending and receiving institutions agree to use TOEFL ITP scores.
Admissions to undergraduate and graduate degree programs in non-English speaking countries where English is not the dominant form of instruction.
Admissions and placement in collaborative international degree programswhere English-language training will be a feature of the program.
Scholarship programs, as contributing documentation for academic English proficiency.
Start using the TOEFL ITP assessments in your classroom.
The TOEFL ITP tests should not be used in place of the TOEFL iBT® test for high-stakes decisions.
Users of the TOEFL ITP tests are strongly encouraged to carefully explore how relevant the above uses of the tests are to their instructional context.
The TOEFL ITP® tests are paper-based and use academic and social content to evaluate the English-language proficiency of nonnative English speakers, giving you confidence about your students' ability in a real-world academic setting. All questions are multiple choice and students answer questions by filling in an answer sheet. The tests evaluate skills in three areas:
Listening Comprehension measures the ability to understand spoken English as it is used in colleges and universities.
Structure and Written Expression measures recognition of selected structural and grammatical points in standard written English.
Reading Comprehension measures the ability to read and understand academic reading material in English.