Kamis, 06 November 2014

Memahami Proses Perluasan Kata

Latihan 1

Perhatikan daftar frasa nomina berikut ini, temukan headword-nya (tulis Hw), berilah tanda kurung, lalu garisbawahi premodification (tulis pre M) dan post modification (tulis post M) bila memang ada.

The lazy students sitting in the corner

pre M Hw post M

1. the emerging market in China

2. less damaging market reaction

3. powerful explosive nuclear weapon

4. a plan to double household incomes

5. the photo which was taken 3 days ago

6. The recovery of the economy in Indonesia

7. double-digit inflation in the last two decades

8. The justification for such aggressive policy action

9. the poisonous chemical products of living organisms

10. The reasons why the Chinese economy grew so fast

11. the prerequisite for membership in the Muslim community

12. a choking agent that causes the lungs to fill with water

13. the high tech industries that could supply the domestic market

14. rising household incomes produced by the economic miracle

15. powerful explosive nuclear weapon which is fuelled by the splitting


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