Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

Memahami Bentuk Imbuhan (Prefiks dan Sufiks)

Latihan 1

Perhatikan daftar kata berikut ini, garisbawahi bentuk imbuhannya, kemudian tentukan jenis katanya (verba, nomina, adjektiva, adverbia):
 1. productive               = adjektiva

 2. equipment               = __________

 3. computerize            = __________

 4. unprepared              = __________

 5. dissatisfaction         = __________

 6. lenghthen                = __________

 7. visibly                     = __________

 8. stylish                     = __________

 9. punctual                  = __________

 10. economic              = __________

 11. comprehensible    = __________

 12. quietness               = __________

 13. economist             = __________

 14. carefully               = __________

 15. sharpen                 = __________

Latihan 2

Latihan 3

Pelajari kalimat-kalimat berikut ini, tentukan jenis kata yang dibutuhkan pada setiap kalimat, lalu pilihlah kata yang tepat.

1.        The ______ on fuel hike price was announced by the government last week.
(A)       Nomina                                   (1) decision
(B)       Verba                                      (2) decide
(C)       Adjekiva                                 (3) decisive
(D)       Adverbia                                 (4) decisively

2.        Having attended some fruitful training, the staffs work more ______.
(A)       Nomina                                   (1) production
(B)       Verba                                      (2) produce
(C)       Adjektiva                                (3) productive
(D)       Adverbia                                 (4) productively

3.        In this _______ world, we have to posses specific skills.
(A)       Nomina                                   (1) competition
(B)       Verba                                      (2) compete
(C)       Adjektiva                                (3) competitive
(D)       Adverbia                                 (4) competitively

4.        When you ______ other people, you should express yourself politely.
(A)       Nomina                                   (1) criticism
(B)       Verba                                      (2) criticize
(C)       Adjektiva                                (3) critical
(D)       Adverbia                                 (4) critically

5.        There are two many ______ parties in our country
(A)       Nomina                                   (1) politics
(B)       Verba                                      (2) politician
(C)       Adjektiva                                (3) political
(D)       Adverbia                                 (4) politically


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