Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

 Target Words Today

1.  accuracy
2. adjacent
3.   compress
4.   feasibly
5.   gut
                         6.   integrally
                         7.  overlap
                         8.  retain
                         9. seep
                          10.  structure

Definitions and Samples
1.    Accuracy n. Precision; exactness
The research department checks all our articles for accuracy          of facts before we print them.
Usage tips Accuracy   is often followed by of.
Parts of speech  accurate adj,            accurately adv
2.      Adjacent adj.   Next to
Even though the villages are adjacent         to each other, their residents
speak different languages.
Usage tips Adjacent    is often followed by to.
Parts of speech           adjacency n
3.       Compress v. To press together
To make the foundation stronger, they compressed            the soil before
pouring the concrete.
Parts of speech  compression n,         compressed adj

4.      Feasibly adv.            Practically; in a way that can work
Scientists can’t feasibly          bring energy from deep ocean currents to
where it is needed—on land.
Parts of speech                   feasibility n,          feasible adj

5.       Gut v. To empty or hollow out
In order to remodel the house, we must first   gut      it and throw away
all the old fixtures.
Usage tips Gut also means “the stomach of an animal”;this verb
makes an image, that the inside of a building is like the inside of an animal.
Parts of speech         gut n,      gutted adj

6  integrally adv.  In a whole or complete manner
Writing and . spelling are taught integrally    as part of the reading
Parts of speech integrate v, integrity n, integral n,      integral adj

7.    Overlap v. To lie over part of something; to have elements in common
One of the two assistants will likely get fired, since most of their du-
ties in the office          overlap.
Parts of speech overlap n

8.       Retain v.       To keep or hold
The rain fell so heavily that the banks of the river could not retain
all the water.
Parts of speech   retainer n,     retention n

9.       Seep v. To pass slowly for a long time, as a liquid or gas might
As the containers rusted, the toxic waste seeped into the ground.
Usage tips Seep is often followed by into or through.

10.   Structure n.   Something constructed, such as a building
Most companies have a social structure    that can’t be understood by
Parts of speech                 structure v,            structural adj, structurally adv

Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the best word from the list .
Change the form of the word if necessary.
 Use each word only once.
Accuracy   adjacent  feasibly     integrally      structure
1. She had no idea how they could __________ take a big vacation and remodel their house in the same year.
2.  Daily meditation is used __________ with medication and massage as part of the recovery plan.
3. The rival politicians were raised in __________ counties.
4.  If you build a __________ next to this river, you must be sure it is safe against floods.
5. Once he ran for public office, he understood the importance of checking public statements for __________.

Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each word in the left-hand column. Write the letter in the blank!
1.               Seep           (a) fill
2.               Gut             (b) separate
3.               Retain         (c) stay contained
4.               Compress   (d) loosen
5.               Overlap       (e) throw away

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